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Other Services Organ transplantation Otorhinolaryngology  Ophthalmology (Eye Surgery) Chest diseases and Surgery Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Kids Health and Diseases Dermatology Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Hematology Internal Medicine Orthopedics and Traumatology Psychiatry Contact us for more



Urinary Incontinence Urinary incontinence can occur due to many reasons. Vaginal infections, bladder stones, difficult births, hormonal changes, bladder tumors, nervous disorders, bladder outlet obstruction may be causes of urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence is no longer a problem and can be resolved without surgery. Urinary incontinence can be treated by laser. After 1 or 2...



Oncology  Cancer Treatment Cancer is one of the most important diseases in the world. With early detection it is possible to recover from cancer. Non-surgical cancer teratment (Chemotherapy and radiotheraphy) improve the quality of life for cancer. Cancer TreatmentMethods Medical Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiotherapy Devices IGRT, IMRT, SRT/SRS Radiosurgery Devices CyberKnife GammaKnife Brachytherapy

Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiovascular Surgery

Cardiovascular Surgery  As in the world, diseases that cause death and death from heart and vascular diseases also take place in the first place in our country. One of the most common causes of subsequent heart disease is the blockage of heart-feeding blood vessels due to the development of vascular stiffness. When the heart is...

Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery

Obesity Surgery Obesity Obesity is an abnormal accumulation of fat, usually 20% or more over an indıvıdual’s ideal body weight, caused by an imbalance between the intake calory and the amount of calory which is used per day. Obesity is associated with significant increased risk of illnesses, disability and death Diseases caused by obesity Excessıve...

General Surgery

General Surgery

General Surgery  The Department of General Surgery works in partnership with many departments on the basis of the breadth of interest and co-ordinated. Most of the general surgery patients constitute various types of cancer cases. In the planning of diagnosis, surgery and subsequent treatment stages for these patients, we are working in cooperation with Gastroenterology,...

Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation Hair transplantation is the process of transferring healthy hair follicles between the two ears, to the balding areas. Hair plantation varies according to the type of hair that is spilled. A seansta can last for several hours and is repeated for two consecutive days. In the process of hair transplantation, the roots are...



Check-Up General Control for Women Gynecologist specialist exam Internist specialist exam Dentist exam Chest X-Ray one sided AP Gynecolgic/Abdomen USG MG-Digital Mammmography Bone Densitometry (Spine, Proximal Femur)  Potassium (K)  Calcium (Ca)  Sodium(Na) CEA,CA125,CA 15,3,CA19,9 ALP(Alkaline Phosphatase) Vitamin B12 ECG Hemogram (19 parameters) Fasting & Postprandial Blood Sugar HbA1C (latent blood sugar within 4 months)HbsaG Anti...

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery

Plastic Surgery Rhinoplasty  Rhinoplasty is a surgery which is done under general anesthesia either in open or closed methods. Through surgery beside esthetic concerns breathing problems are also resolved. Decision regarding the necessity of operation is made together with patient, based on the size of patient’s nose as well as structure of the face which is...

Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery

Dental Surgery For healthy white and aesthetic teeth our dental department is at your disposal. Our contracted Hospitals Department of Oral and Dental Health aims to provide a first class service using the latest dental equipment. Dental check-up:  MKG examination and panoramic imaging, RVG, oral camera systems, detection of infections, diseases and anomalies in all...